TASK#11 (Unit 5 Test Sound File)

DEADLINE:   15 April 2018 at 24.00
INSTRUCTIONS:  Record the text you wrote during the first leg of the test on unit 5 giving your opinion about fairtrade and whether you would be willing to support and how.

As always, please, send it to me at   miguelgarciaarreza@gmail.com 


Resultado de imagen de fair trade

Fair trade is an alternative form of trade promoted by several organizations that promote a fair commercial relationship between producers and consumers.

Personally, I think it is a good idea because farmers are guaranteed a fair wage for their work, child exploitation and equality between women and men and the protection of the environment are avoided.

I would be willing to promote fair trade products, because I know that the articles come mostly from the poorest areas of Latin America, Africa and Asia. I am aware that these are always population groups that, for economic, geographical reasons, lack of experience or resources, do not have direct access to the market or, in case of having it, do not obtain a sufficient price for the products.

I think that for people to buy fair trade products, we have to explain what the organization consists of, the benefits obtained by farmers for their work and, above all, to allow producers to have a decent life and reserve a margin for social purposes: school, health, housing ... etc

Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen de el comercio justo


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